Wavoo Wajeeha Women's College

Research and Development Cell (R&D)

The college is dedicated to fostering a research-oriented environment for both faculty and students, recognizing that long-term research serves as the bedrock for the institution's future growth. The college research policy strives to cultivate and enhance the scientific temper and research capabilities of all learners. It aims to fulfill the college vision and mission while identifying research domains that hold academic, practical, and societal importance, thereby making a valuable contribution to national progress.

It also aims at ensuring that the research activities of the college confirm to all applicable rules and regulations of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University and U. G. C. as well as to the established standards and norms relating to safe and ethical conduct of research. Our research policy provides a broad framework to the research activities with the following objectives:

Objectives: -

  • To provide a proper coordination of all research activities of the college and aligning these to the vision and missions of the college.
  • To identify and inform researchers about the appropriate research opportunities announced by different academic, research, industry or government organizations.
  • To promote interdisciplinary research and establish modalities for preparing and undertaking joint research projects covering more than one knowledge domain as well as policies or involving external agencies/experts in such projects.
  • To create an awareness about patents and Intellectual Property Rights and motivate them to apply for patents.
  • To take initiative for granting study leave, sabbatical leave, duty leave, seed money, reduction in workload, etc. to deserving faculty members for advanced research.
  • To identify and establish linkages including MOUs for long term relationships with national and international research organizations for widening the scope of research opportunities and funding options available to the teachers and students of the college.
  • To promote collaborations with International and national academic institutions of higher learning and promote linkage with Industry.
  • To encourage and facilitate the publication of the research works in reputed academic International / National journals and also to facilitate the presentation of the research work through academic events such as workshops/seminars/conferences.
  • To create an ecosystem for innovations including Incubation centre and other initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge.
  • To facilitate community oriented research initiatives and to transfer the research findings for the social and economic development of the community.

Research and Development Cell (R&D): The composition of the Cell is as follows:

  • Dr. V. Rama - Principal (Chairperson)
  • Dr. R. Mariyal Jebasty (Assistant Professor of Physics.) (Coordinator)

Research and Development Cell Members List

S.No. Staff Name Designation
1. Mrs.J. Kowsalya Assistant Professor of English
2. Mrs. S. A.Rahmath Ameena Begam Assistant Professor of BBA
3. Dr. A.Sudha Head & Assistant Professor of Mathematics
4. Mrs. S. N. Sithi Shamila Head & Assistant Professor of Information Technology
5. Mrs. B. Naseera Banu Assistant Professor of Commerce
6. Dr. L. Noor Asma Head & Assistant Professor of Economics
7. Dr. K. Maheswari Prof Assistant Professor of in Tamil

Wavoo Wajeeha Women’s College of Arts & Science, a benefaction under Wavoo SAR Educational Trust,stands as a monument of social service for the cause of those for whom college education is a distant dream even today.


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