Wavoo Wajeeha Women's College

wrapkit Vidwan Profile-->

Message from Principal’s Desk

Wavoo Wajeeha Women’s College is a premier higher educational institution for women running efficiently by the Wavoo SAR Educational Trust. The onward journey of Wavoo College from the inception to milestone present is a daring and remarkable one. Flipping through the pages of history, the humble birth of Wavoo as a HEI in 2006, with her affiliation to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, her gradual escalation to a higher educational institute that offers under graduate, Post Graduate programmes is heart whelming. Year after year the growth of Wavoo in leaps and bounds to gain a strong foothold in the field of higher education is to confer the status of autonomy. The excellence in imparting education by the institution is accreditated with B++ grade is a note worth endeavor. This leading minority institution for women has for its pride empowers rural, yet a business transacting patriarchal society women.

Even first generation learners are being focused to develop human capabilities through education. In such a bid, the college focuses on the development of individuals, the women folk through personal care, mentoring, counseling. Discipline becomes the main focus on the campus. English is the campus language. students are encouraged and motivated to take part actively in NSS, Women cell, EDC, Wajeeha skill forum, as well as part V activities that moulds them to responsible citizens who can contribute to the betterment of their progeny, society, and nation.

Recurrent seminars, conferences, workshops are organized to the students to contribute programme outcomes, programme specific outcomes in pursuing their knowledge. By the frequent celebration of major festivals on campus facilitate coexist, and imbibe the significance of communal hormony and religious tolerance in this multi-religious and multi-cultural context.

Being at the helm of the institution I deem it my honor, Pride, Privilege to acknowledge and thank my management faculty, well-wishers, and students of the college for their commendable and continued contribution towards reaching horizons of inclusive education the mission and vision of the college. There is a high swell of pluralism; one needs to combat multicultural challenges through heightened awareness of others culture and perspectives followed by ratifying and revering multicultural realities. Always there is sheen to narrow down labels that divide us from other and negate all sorts of seditious stimuli, that prod us to conflicts so, let us create a symphony out of this awesome medley and vow to be effective catalysts of peace.

Best Wishes

Dr.K.P.Bakhya Seema M.A.,M.Phil.,B.Ed.,MBA.,Ph.D


Wavoo Wajeeha Women’s College of Arts & Science, a benefaction under Wavoo SAR Educational Trust,stands as a monument of social service for the cause of those for whom college education is a distant dream even today.


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